3 Misconception When Hiring A Work Comp Attorney

3 Misconception When Hiring A Work Comp Attorney

  • Mar 08, 2022
  • Blog
  • Michael Burgis & Associates, P.C

When collecting workers’ compensation after an on-the-job injury or work-related illness, many people hesitate to hire a workers’ compensation attorney.

Why? Nearly all of the time, it’s because they don’t fully understand why they need one. More specifically, most people aren’t familiar with how workers’ compensation works, their rights, or what can happen if they don’t hire an attorney.

Below, we’ve outlined the top three barriers we commonly see among clients who are struggling with whether to hire us or not. While it is always your decision to hire an attorney case, these explanations may help clear up a few things. Let’s start with the least common barrier and move toward the most common.

Barrier #3 – “I don’t have any money, so I don’t know if I can afford an attorney.”

You’re not alone. Many people worry about their lack of funds when involved in a workers’ compensation claim.

What’s important to remember is that that’s precisely why you should hire an attorney in the first place. They can help you get the compensation you deserve so that you can pay your medical bills, support yourself, and live a good life.

Plus, the good news is there are no upfront costs associated with a start-up case, and an attorney cannot get paid until the case settles. Lack of funds should not deter you from hiring an attorney.

Barrier #2 – “I have no idea how much to pay an attorney.”

If you are concerned about how much you’ll have to pay an attorney, we can make this very simple for you. Essentially, our attorneys are statutorily set to a 15% fee in a workers’ compensation case.

Keep in mind that they are set to charge 30% to 50% with most other firms. But we are set at a 15% fee.

Barrier #1 – “I feel like I’m suing my employer, and that makes me uncomfortable.”

And the number one barrier we see is thinking you’re suing your employer when you hire an attorney. This is a widespread misconception.

You are not suing your employer if you make a workers’ comp claim or hire a workers’ comp attorney. Instead, you are claiming your employer’s insurance and ensuring you are adequately compensated for your injury. This is the very reason they have and pay for insurance in the first place. That way, you are protected in the event of an accident or injury on the job.

Were You Injured on the Job? Michael Burgis & Associates Can Help

A work-related injury or illness can cause an immense amount of strife in a person’s life. Medical bills, physical pain, emotional struggles, and many other challenges can plague a person and keep them from living the life they deserve.

Workers’ compensation laws are in place to protect workers on the job. If you were injured or suffered a work-related illness, you have rights. You deserve to be compensated for the pain you’ve had to endure and the expenses and loss of wages you’ve sustained.

Our workers’ compensation attorneys can help. Contact Michael Burgis & Associates today to book your free legal consultation appointment.

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    Jerry DiLeva

    "Michael told me that he was going to do the best he can for me, my family, and for my future needs. He's surrounded by a staff. A staff so excellent they're very knowledgeable, professional, and very kind, courteous ... If you're really serious in a workman's comp case what can I say Michael Burgis is the guy. His staff will treat you right, you'll go in the right direction and I guarantee you will win."

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